So in order to amuse myself, (but mostly Egg Basket) I updated the ticker and added a poll. My husband and I will be heading to CT on Wednesday evening for the 7am ultrasound on Thursday morning (I think infertility docs don't sleep!) to look at "placement and number"...the docs fancy way of saying are they/is it in the right place and how many are there?
We are both excited and nervous. The doctor called to say it was unlikely that we'd see a heartbeat because it is early (We will be 6 weeks and 3 days), but that the ultrasound is important for placement and number...that funny little word *number* makes my heart skip a beat. Could we really have hit the jackpot? Are we that lucky? (For the record, we go back up the following Thursday, May 21st for the next ultrasound to see heartbeat(s)- no nerve wracking here, right?)
As you all know, my not so secret wish was for many have asked, will I be disappointed if it isn't? My answer: For about 30 seconds and then I expect to be so overcome with gratitude and relief that there is one, that I will be ecstatic! As for IF it is twins, well after my husband changes his pants, we will be ecstatic too (Okay, I know, TMI..but he TOO is excited and nervous)..we'd be crazy not to be nervous..after all, it has been almost 7 years since we had a baby...two? woah...we also like to sleep...
That brings up my next thought...My husband and I are both TERRIBLE morning people (just ask Egg Basket!) and hate waking up early (That is why the 7am ultrasound is a mean joke!)..well our darling 6 year old was (Thankfully, hallelujah!) born with our genes and sleeps late (I know this opens me up for serious hate)..and of course he is 6, so even when he wakes up before us (at like 9am) he heads down and turns on the TV and gets himself breakfast...ahh heaven! BUT the totsicles (we also refer to them FHB - Future Human Baby (ies)) do not share my genes..we have a donor..and somehow I forgot to ask if she was a morning person! I can just picture it..two that wake up at 5am! Wonder how *jackpot-ish* I will think it all is then :)
Okay, in all seriousness..take the poll..curious what you all are guestimating..I mean from 485 to 1584 in less than 48 hours was a pretty good increase. And for the record the doc says "it IS very high and EB is VERY fertile" in response to my question of what did he think!
New Blog
16 years ago
9am. HMPH!
ReplyDeleteIf you guys want wakeup calls at 5am just to get some practice in case, I'd be happy to do pitch in.